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Comodo Endpoint Security Manager Centralizes Security Updates

Keeping the security settings on just one PC up to date is a chore. Where PC networks span hundreds of computers, it can be a full-time job for their network administrator. New features of Comodo Endpoint Security 1.4 make managing network security easier.

Hackers look for the holes in security software. When they find holes, they write malicious code to attack. When Security Software developers detect the malicious code, they update their security software, which must then be installed on each PC.

As a company that develops award-winning security software, Comodo Security Solutions is aware of the importance of prompt Updates and of the challenges that administrators face in organizing security updates. Comodo Endpoint Security Manager 1.4 automates many security features. A free trial version is available at

Comodo Endpoint Security Manager is now compatible with SQL Server 2008 Express Edition. A new startup page offers administrators a dashboard of recent network security activities. New wizards automate the processes of creating user groups and assigning properties to each PC. Successful tasks can be cloned and run on other computers.

Comodo Endpoint Security Manager permits administrators to instantly and remotely execute certain functions, including software installation and restarting network computers. A power management feature enables administrators to control power consumption by setting time intervals before switching off electrical equipment or putting them in sleep/hibernate mode.


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