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Comodo HackerGuardian™ Includes Patent-Pending PCI Vulnerability Scans in the Cloud

HackerGuardian™ now includes a patent-pending process for scanning vulnerabilities of internal networks in the cloud. This innovation is available with the newest release of HackerGuardian…

Merchants who accept payment cards such as credit cards are required to scan their networks at certain periods, checking for breaches in their security. Previously, internal network scans required dedicated hardware, run by an onsite employee.

With HackerGuardian, businesses can now run remote scans of their internal and external networks using the same software. A lightweight bootable agent installed on one of the local network nodes can be activated by an employee who may be located in another state, or even on another continent.

PCI DSS level 1, 2, or 4 merchants can now centralize the administration of their vulnerability scans. They can use one software to manage scans of both their internal and external networks.


Next Steps in PCI Compliance

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